Saturday, March 26, 2011

State high court may not act immediately on collective bargaining law case | Ashland Current #wiunion #1u

State Headlines From Wisconsin Public Radio, March 25 | Ashland Current

State Headlines From Wisconsin Public Radio, March 25

State high court may not act immediately on collective bargaining law case
By Shawn Johnson, Wisconsin Public Radio

A state appeals court says that key legal questions in a case challenging the new collective bargaining law should go directly to the Wisconsin Supreme Court. But a former justice says she doesn't expect the court to take the case right away.

The case alleges legislators broke the state's open meetings law when they hastily called a conference committee and then convened it to vote on the collective bargaining bill less than two hours later.
The Court of Appeals asked the Supreme Court to decide two issues: whether the court could legally strike down a law because of an open meetings violation; and whether a court could ban the