Saturday, March 5, 2011

STAND UP FOR WISCONSIN'S FAMILIES! Stop Walker's Budget #WIunion #WeAreWI #SolidarityWI

Stop Walker's Budget


Scott Walker's budget is an attack against the hard-working, dedicated families in our state. The plan will devastate our communities. It is filled with cuts to education, basic services like police and fire protection, health care, workers' rights and more.

Walker's budget demonstrates his misplaced priorities. While his plan guts education, slashes health care and could cause cuts to public safety, Walker protects corporations, the wealthy and his special interest friends. And, Walker's budget actually increases taxes on lowest income earners.

It's time to stand up for Wisconsin. Tell your legislators and Scott Walker that you oppose the Walker budget. Tell them you support Wisconsin families and our future!

Here are some simple ways you can get involved to stop the Walker budget:

If you have children in school, if you have elderly loved ones, if you ever get sick, if you depend on police and fire protection to keep your family safe, then Walker's extreme budget bill will negatively affect your life.