Monday, March 7, 2011

Schools Matter: Billionaires' Jersey Boys, Starring Cory Booker

Schools Matter: Billionaires' Jersey Boys, Starring Cory Booker

Billionaires' Jersey Boys, Starring Cory Booker

With Cory Booker oblivious to the outcome for another ostensibly African-American mayor who tried to run roughshod over the parents and teachers of Washington, DC, it looks as though Newark Schools will be the next site for a popular uprising to bring down the Oligarchs' corporate school containment plan for the poor. Compilation by Stan Karp:

Braun: School reform effort between Christie, Booker is against the law
Star Ledger 3/7/11
Newark residents want reform but they also want a say — all parents do. When decisions about their children are made behind closed doors by billionaires who believe they know what’s best for them, they have a right to be