Monday, March 21, 2011

Pension bills stalled. But that could change. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Pension bills stalled. But that could change. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Pension bills stalled. But that could change.

On Friday, the IEA Government Relations office reported that most of the bills that could negatively impact present or future retirees have been stalled in committee.

But like a vampire, they never seem to die.

Our old friend, former IEA president Bob Haisman, sent these tips for contacting legislators. He wrote these for his retired colleagues. But they’re good tips for everybody.

Dear Retired Buddy — We have a big job ahead of us! We are starting with YOU!

We need to turn every retired teacher into a lobbyist — all 98,000!! Call us a bunch of Don Quixotes but even the “All Powerful” House Speaker Michael Madigan would find it difficult to say