Thursday, March 31, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: Update on rally, news from Albany, and video of my encounter with the mayor

NYC Public School Parents: Update on rally, news from Albany, and video of my encounter with the mayor

Update on rally, news from Albany, and video of my encounter with the mayor

Yesterday’s press conference/rally was terrific; here is my account with some photos; more photos are available on our Facebook page. NY1 ran some video of the rally last night, and to my surprise, captured at least part of my unexpected debate with the mayor; I have also now posted that video below.

Erin Einhorn ran a piece on the Daily News blog about our encounter, which the mayor’s spokesperson responded to , as did I; you can see we went back and forth several times.

Thanks again to all who came; and soon we will have petitions you can download from our website to get signatures at your school for your Councilmembers, urging them to oppose the mayor's plan to eliminate 6,000 teaching positions.

One small but important piece of good news: the Legislature did not approve a reduction or cap in building aid for NYC, so the mayor has no excuse to cut back on the number of new seats, as he threatened to do.
