Monday, March 14, 2011

End Corporal Punishment in Schools: Grassroots Efforts Meet A Movement From the Fashion World

End Corporal Punishment in Schools: Grassroots Efforts Meet A Movement From the Fashion World

End Corporal Punishment in Schools: Grassroots Efforts Meet A Movement From the Fashion World

by CYNTHIA on MARCH 12, 2011

I’ve written before how I’m committed to non-violent parenting and use positive discipline with my own child. This is in part because I’ve experienced corporal punishment from my parents while growing up–much as probably 80% of my generation of parents has.

But why is it important to cultivate positive discipline among parents?Because if there is no spanking at home, corporal punishment in the schools becomes starkly inexcusable instead of mildly intolerable.

Even parents who do believe in physically punishing their children at home bristle when strangers–teachers or principals at school–administer this kind