Thursday, March 10, 2011

Big Education Ape: 3-10-11, Special PM #wiunion Edition #wearewi #notmywi #wisolidarity

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunion

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

#wiunion - Protesters Retake Wisconsin Capitol after Republicans Pass Anti-Union Bill | Labor NotesProtesters Retake Wisconsin Capitol after Republicans Pass Anti-Union BillJane Slaughter and Mischa Gaus| Ma...

coopmike48 - The state Senate quickly approved the amended budget repair bill this evening 18-1 moments after it was passed out of conference committee.The Senate offered no debate on the bill as Sen. Dale Schu...

coopmike48 - "If you think that by hanging us you can stamp out the labor movement, then hang us. Here you will tread upon a spark, but here, and there, and behind you, and in front of you, the flames will blaz...

coopmike48 - The following was sent to me by someone in Madison, Wisconsin, who found it in the Capitol building last week. It was obviously written in a hurry, and it carries the label “first draft.”It’s emerg...

coopmike48 - Activities | Support Our Union | Legislative Resources | Issues & Advocacy | Wisconsin Education Association CouncilKeep raising your voice!ANOTHER LARGE RALLY PLANNEDFOR SATURDAY, MARCH 12AT THE S...

coopmike48 - So much for solidarity, Democrats are saying, after catching wind of a union-sponsored party for House Republicans Wednesday night.The party, thrown by a coalition of 15 labor groups at the Capitol...

coopmike48 - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, PoliticsBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 12 hours Back to front page HEADLINES EDUCATION POLIT...

coopmike48 - There are daily staging areas listed for the organized recall canvassing. Canvassing is easy. You get a list, go to the addresses, and you knock on the door, and ask a few questions. The hardest pa...

coopmike48 - 1.) Wisconsin Dems, teachers, can get back to work now — Public school teachers and Democratic Party fundraisers in Madison shouted ugly things last night at the top of their lungs, but they couldn...

coopmike48 - By Patrick Marley of the Journal Sentinel Updated: March 9, 2011 Madison — The Senate – without Democrats present – abruptly voted Wednesday to eliminate almost all collective bargaining for most p...

coopmike48 - State/Region/Province Armed Forces - AmericasArmed Forces - EuropeAlaskaAlabamaArmed Forces - PacificArkansasAmerican SamoaArizonaCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDistrict of ColumbiaDelawareFloridaFed...

tbfurman - Modern School: Bank Occupation & Growing Worker MilitancyBank Occupation & Growing Worker Militancy Protesters from the National People’s Action occupied the office of Senate Minority Leader Mitch ...

coopmike48 - Daily Kos: What is at stakeWhat is at stakeby (teacherken)a few thoughts that come to mind after the atrocities to democracy seen in the legislatures in Wisconsin, Michigan and Okl...

coopmike48 - Wisconsin Senate Democrats who fled to Illinois three weeks ago are coming back. Sen. Jim Holperin said Thursday that he was on his way home to Conover and other Democrats were either on their way ...

coopmike48 - Democurmudgeon: Shock Doctrine, Gov. Walker Style. Author Naomi Klein's message to Wisconsin.Shock Doctrine, Gov. Walker Style. Author Naomi Klein's message to DemocurmudgeonThere are ...

coopmike48 - Democurmudgeon: Fitzgerald Admits on Fox News Busting Unions the Way to Beat Obama.Fitzgerald Admits on Fox News Busting Unions the Way to Beat Obama. MSNBC's Cenk Uygur takes a look at Rove's big ...

coopmike48 - – March 9, 2011Posted in: Announcements, Uncategorized Moments after convening a conference committee announced this afternoon, the WI Senate passed an amended version of the budget repair bill. Se...

coopmike48 - One day short of the three-week anniversary of their departure, Senate Minority Leader Mark Miller said it's time for Dems to come home and take the fight over collective bargaining rights to the b...

coopmike48 - News & Publications | Wisconsin Education Association Council > Statement from WEAC President Mary Bell on Senate voteStatement from WEAC President Mary Bell on Senate votePosted: 3/9/2011 7:37:36 ...

coopmike48 - Here is our open thread for today on what’s happening in Madison, Wisconsin. 9:05 a.m. PST – Last night WI Republican Senators illegally held a vote and passed a bill outlawing public employee coll...

coopmike48 - I had a Speaker Boehner moment Wednesday night as I neared the Wisconsin State Capitol. Honking horns filled the air three blocks out from where the grand dome of the Capitol looms large. Leading...

coopmike48 - January 28, 2011 - McClatchy-Tribune

coopmike48 - The Suicide Of The Republican Party, Keith Olbermann, Posted on March 9, 2011Still having never learned to be calm, retract their claws, and sit around and act rationally in a situation that calls ...

coopmike48 - WASHINGTON -- Dealt a major setback Wednesday night in a high-stakes battle over union rights in Wisconsin, labor leaders nevertheless insisted that they would emerge from the three-week long saga ...

coopmike48 - With more than 9,600 followers by Wednesday afternoon, Hokin’s Facebook page, titled “Boycott Scott Walker Contributors,” is a central clearinghouse for information feeding this next wave of opposi...

coopmike48 - We Party Patriots » Blog Archive » Woody Guthrie – “Union Burying Ground”Don't Drink the Tea. Think With the WE.Woody Guthrie – “Union Burying Ground” Wisconsin GOP just split the bill removing fin...

coopmike48 - * The Wisconsin Senate last night stripped the collective bargaining provisions from their budget bill, which allowed them to vote to remove most collective bargaining rights from public employee u...

coopmike48 - March 05, 2011 Citizens from around the state have taken the first steps by filing recall papers against key Republican Senators who stood with Scott Walker and pushed his partisan power grab that ...

tbfurman - After a lengthy political standoff, Wisconsin state Senate Republicans used a bit of legislative fancywork to pass a bill this evening that effectively strips public-sector unions of the right to c...

coopmike48 - MARCH 10: STATEWIDE RALLIES IN WISCONSIN | www.kochwatch.orgMARCH 10: STATEWIDE RALLIES IN WISCONSIN via SEIU- March 9, 2011- Late Wednesday night, Republicans just rigged the rules and stripped wo...

coopmike48 - Only showing iPad compatible videos

coopmike48 - The 14 Wisconsin Democratic senators who fled the state nearly three weeks ago now face $100 fines for each session day they miss. Republicans in the Senate approved resolutions starting the fines ...

coopmike48 - Tractor Rally At Wisconsin Capitol Saturday, March 12th At Noon « CAFFEINATED POLITICSTractor Rally At Wisconsin Capitol Saturday, March 12th At NoonMARCH 7, 2011tags: Scott Walker, Union busting, ...

coopmike48 - The Latest From Wisconsin « Student ActivismThe Latest From Wisconsinby Angus JohnstonYesterday evening, as most of you know, the Republican majority in the Wisconsin State Senate pushed through a ...

coopmike48 - With the latest turn of events in Wisconsin, Republican state senators have circumvented the need for a quorum vote on Scott Walker's budget bill by leaving out the fiscal clauses and passing the n...

coopmike48 - On Wednesday night, Republicans in Wisconsin's state senate rammed through a retooled version of Governor Scott Walker's controversial "budget repair bill" with the 14 senate Democrats still in hid...

coopmike48 - Apparently illegal meeting passes non-fiscal parts of budget repair bill through senate This is a fluid story at the moment. The GOP-controlled legislature held a very short-notice meeting at 6 PM...

coopmike48 - After confirming on Fox News that the whole budget repair bill is about making it difficult for Democrats to win in Wisconsin from now on, the GOP in Wisconsin is planning on removing bargaining ri...

coopmike48 - Today, Thursday, March 10th at 5:30 PM there will be a rally in support of teachers and other union workers in Wisconsin at Westlake Center. Per the press release by SEE: Stand in solidarity with u...


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coopmike48 Mayoral candidates on education priorities | EdNewsColorado - minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Remainders: The snow-day favor Klein paid Kennedy | GothamSchools - minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Big Education Ape: Ed News Now is out! ▸ Top stories today via @dianeravitch @tbfurmanabout 1 minute ago · reply

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coopmike48 Photo Site Sprixi Is Back Online | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - minutes ago · reply - Republicans in Washington are trying to balance the national budget on the backs of those who can least afford it. Now in Wisconsin, the GOP is attacking teachers, prison guards and other public em...

coopmike48 - wisaflcio on Mar 9, 2011WEAC president Mary Bell and AFSCME 24's Marty Beil address the anti-democratic steps taken by Scott Walker and Senate Republicans. Bell urges teachers to report to work tom...

coopmike48 - You are hereCapitol fills after Senate vote

coopmike48 - There will be plenty to write about in the coming days. But the Wisconsin GOP bullshit that was shoveled tonight when they split the bill and passed the anti-union legislation tore away any pretens...

coopmike48 - Sec. of Ag. Trade and Consumer Protection Ben Brancel has an interesting view of the crowds of families, workers, police and firemen who showed up at the Capitol to protest. WKOW 27 News:Brancel: "...

coopmike48 - Posted at 10:23 AM ET, 03/10/2011By Greg SargentA strong statement from fomer Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold, who seems to endorse the push to recall Wisconsin GOP officials:"Last night will be re...

coopmike48 - Big Education Ape: Ed News Now, #wiunionBig Education Ape: Ed News Now as shared by 6 people on Coopmike48’s Twitter listNext update in about 11 hours Back to front page HEADLINES EDUCATION POLIT...

coopmike48 - Since Monday, February 14, tens of thousands of Wisconsin residents have been flooding the State Capitol in Madison in protest of Governor Walker's proposed budget "repair" bill that would end 50 y...

coopmike48 - MATTHEW DeFOUR | | 608-252-6144 | | Posted: Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:26 am Hundreds of students at multiple Madison middle and high schools were reportedly walkin...

coopmike48 - Thousands of working familes are gathering in Madison this morning and statewide for a 9 a.m. CT rally to protest last night’s rigged vote in the state Senate to eliminate the rights of public emp...

coopmike48 - What makes a King out of a slave? Courage.What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage.What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist or the dusky dusk?What makes the muskrat guard h...

coopmike48 - March 9, 2011 7:30 p.m. | Madison — Demonstrators crowded the Capitol in a wild scene after senators passed a budget-repair bill in a hastily called meeting Wednesday night that outraged protesters...

coopmike48 - Senate Approves Amended Budget Repair Bill | Defend WisconsinSenate Approves Amended Budget Repair Bill– MARCH 9, 2011POSTED IN: ANNOUNCEMENTS, UNCATEGORIZEDMoments after convening a conference com...

coopmike48 - Citizen Fueled News

coopmike48 - MADISON, Wis. — Republicans pushed a provision stripping public employees of their collective bargaining rights through the state Senate Wednesday evening after finding a way to bypass the chamber'...

coopmike48 - Here's the report as seen on WKOW27 News:

coopmike48 - The special conference committee in Wisconsin --Â convened in order to strip out the fiscal elements of Gov. Scott Walker's budget repair bill, in order to pass the anti-public employee union propo...

coopmike48 - All news Posted: 3/9/2011 7:37:36 PM Tonight, Senate and Assembly Republicans pushed forward an extreme power grab with an unconscionable maneuver that split collective bargaining off from the fisc...

coopmike48 - Senate Republicans Wednesday made good on their threat to sanction their missing Democratic colleagues, imposing a fine of $100 for each day of session they miss. Republicans initially intended to ...

coopmike48 - Brief summary of what happened tonight from the Washington Post

coopmike48 - Story Created: Mar 10, 2011 Story Updated: Mar 10, 2011 MADISON - The State Department of Justice confirms that it is investigating several death threats against a number of lawmakers in response t...
