Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wisconsin Update — Some Interesting Commentary From Around The Web | Larry Ferlazzo' #StateSOS #WIunion #SolidarityWI

Wisconsin Update — Some Interesting Commentary From Around The Web | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

Larry Ferlazzo

Wisconsin Update — Some Interesting Commentary From Around The Web

Filed under school reform

Here are todays additions to The Best Resources For Learning About Attacks On Teachers & Other Public Sector Workers In Wisconsin:

Indiana Informs Wisconsin’s Push is a very interesting article in The New York Times. Not only does it provide a scary picture of what happens without collective bargaining, it also includes a quote from a political supporter of Governor Walker’s bill eliminating it that explains what teacher tenure is so important (which is why I’m also adding this to The Best Articles For Helping To Understand Both Why Teacher Tenure Is Important & The Reasons Behind Seniority-Based Layoffs):

“I’ve talked to many teachers and public works employees in my county,” he said, “and almost every conversation comes around to the impact on