Friday, February 11, 2011

Viewpoints: 'Parent trigger' law should be stronger, more transparent - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Viewpoints: 'Parent trigger' law should be stronger, more transparent - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Viewpoints: 'Parent trigger' law should be stronger, more transparent

Published: Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2011 - 12:00 am | Page 15A

The state's new "parent trigger" law must be fixed so that the actual process for empowering parents as set out in the law is as worthy as the goal.

Using the new "trigger" provision of the law, parents at McKinley Elementary School in Compton were recently asked to sign a petition to turn their low-performing school into a charter school. Unfortunately, this first real-world application of the provision has deeply divided the school's community and pitted well-meaning parents against each other.

Let's be clear: Persistently underperforming schools cannot and should not be tolerated. Wherever there is a clear pattern of a public school repeatedly not providing students with access to a quality

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