Friday, February 11, 2011

Schools Matter: Waiting for Superman: The Neighborhood Party Version

Schools Matter: Waiting for Superman: The Neighborhood Party Version

Waiting for Superman: The Neighborhood Party Version

If you thought the stakes were high for getting education reform right in this country, you just need to have a look, Mister, at the new animation offered up by the Gates-funded producers of the not-going-the-Oscars propaganda film, Waiting for Superman. The achievement gap? Excellence? Equity? Just small potatoes!

The Oligarchs who funded the WfS docu-ganda piece are now urging parents who didn’t see it on the big screen to buy a DVD and host a house party. And to whet your appetite, ladies and gentlemen, they have put together an animated ad that proceeds with fear of impending world disaster where nervousness about the disaster of schools left off with the first round of advertisements.

The clip opens with the familiar ticking time bomb piano keys and a cascade of animated images