Monday, February 14, 2011

Schools Matter: Number 1 in the World, Mr. Duncan? Really? You Have Got to Kidding Me

Schools Matter: Number 1 in the World, Mr. Duncan? Really? You Have Got to Kidding Me

Number 1 in the World, Mr. Duncan? Really? You Have Got to Kidding Me

Arne Duncan proclaimed a couple of days ago that he wants the U. S. to be #1 in educational achievement but that we have "a long way to go." But that's okay, boys, we're in a hole, so keep digging.

Since Duncan came to Washington to sit as ED's titular CEO while the Gates and Broad Foundations runs the show, the hole has gotten deeper as new shovels are brought in to replace the old ones. The urban schools that were blown apart by NCLB's ticking time bomb have been turned into corporate segregated charters run like prisons, and more public schools are exploded each spring as the scores come in, telling us where the poorest children in America will be added to the penal charter list, as two-year temps from TFA and alt-cert neophytes take over the duties of teachers.

Meanwhile, the Gates-Broad team hire the high priest of the stats world to devise ways to use unreliable and