Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rhee's five big missteps

Rhee's five big missteps

Rhee's five big missteps

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, February 13, 2011; 6:03 PM

Richard Whitmire's deft and revealing book about former D.C. schools chancellor Michelle A. Rhee chronicles a difficult time in the history of the city's schools, when good people fought hard against one another because of sharply contrasting views on how to help our children.


The book is "The Bee Eater," the title a reference to a

D.C. schools using data from teacher evaluation system in new ways

While the main purpose of the District's controversial new teacher evaluation system is to rate teachers' effectiveness, officials are beginning to use the fresh troves of data it generates for other purposes, too, such as assessing administrators and determining which universities produce the be...