Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reactionary Governor Walker of Wisconsin declares war on working people and kids | #wiunion #notmywi

Reactionary Governor Walker of Wisconsin declares war on working people and kids |

Reactionary Governor Walker of Wisconsin declares war on working people and kids

‘Austerity’ is the word used by those in power to make it sound like we are all in this ‘budget crisis’ together, when in fact it is the ruling oligarchs of this nation, the banksters and their coin-operated politicians, that created the crisis that now threatens to bring working people to their knees.

However tens of thousands have mobilized in Wisconsin and continue to do so — from the Green Bay Packers to public sector workers to parents and students – in an effort to let Governor Walker know that any cuts to education, any destruction of collective bargaining rights for public workers, and any further cuts to public workers pay, such as making them contribute 50% to their own pensions and forcing them to pay more than 12.5% more for their health care to for-profit corporations, is unacceptable. Finally public sector unions have mobilized together to see their common interests and fight corporate reactionaires and their hand tools.

It is no mystery what is going on with the reactionaries and the class war