Sunday, February 27, 2011

My stalker compares 125,000 Wisconsin protesters to Tucson killer. « Fred Klonsky's blog #StateSOS #WIunion #SolidarityWI

My stalker compares 125,000 Wisconsin protesters to Tucson killer. « Fred Klonsky's blog

My stalker compares 125,000 Wisconsin protesters to Tucson killer.

Kyle Olson's gofer, Ben Velderman.

Kyle Olson is my stalker. He’s the right-wing sleaze ball who ordered his little gofer, Ben Velderman, to get a hold of my work emails. Olson heads up a micro-group in Michigan that targets activist union teachers and tries to smear them.

His latest blog post compares the actions of 125,000 Wisconsin citizens who demonstrated at the Capitol building in a glorious display of peaceful democracy in action to the Tucson killer.

As the rhetoric continues to escalate and vitriol is directed at Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the left willfully ignores all the hate and incivility. Fewer than 40 days after the Tucson Tragedy, the left is once again using heated rhetoric and