Sunday, February 27, 2011

Health Care ASAP | Health Care: American Sponsored for All the People

Health Care ASAP | Health Care: American Sponsored for All the People

Please Note: As always, We never ask our members for money or anything else except their opinions!

Please sign our Guestbook!

Health Care ASAP is now on Twitter and Facebook

Where do we go from here?

We stay in the fight for health care reform!

If you are already a member, please sign in. If you want to join, click on the "Members" link on the left of this page, then the "Join Site" button on the Members page.

Things have changed in the health care reform fight since we first launched our HCASAP website...and the changes have not been for the better.

As you are no doubt aware, we Americans now find ourselves having to choose between accepting no reform or settling for very little reform.

We also haven’t forgotten that most Americans don’t have access to the health care that Senators and Representatives in Congress get...on our dime.

We are no more pleased with Democrat waffling than with GOP obstructionism. They both amount to the same end result: no meaningful health care reform. We will remember in November which Senators and Representatives stayed in the fight.