Monday, February 14, 2011

GOP Proposal Would Spare Title II, Cut Other Teacher Programs - Teacher Beat - Education Week

GOP Proposal Would Spare Title II, Cut Other Teacher Programs - Teacher Beat - Education Week

GOP Proposal Would Spare Title II, Cut Other Teacher Programs

Alyson Klein reports on a House Republican proposal for fiscal 2011 funding over at Politics K-12. The proposal would eliminate some teacher programs but leave the single largest federal teacher-quality program, the Title II state grants, intact.

Before you go getting too excited, worried, or hysterial about this, remember that at this point, it's only a proposal. It has a good shot of passing the Republican-dominated House, but is likely to get snagged up in the Senate.

Under the plan, the $400 million Teacher Incentive Fund, which supports performance pay for teachers and principals, is preserved. Republicans are supporters of performance pay, so no surprise there.

Not all programs would be as fortunate, including the $43 million Teacher Quality Partnerships program, which