Monday, February 28, 2011

#edFL #awakeFL Ramblings of One Teacher Trying to Decipher Florida SB 736 & Insights from FEA President, Andy Ford « Continuing Change

Ramblings of One Teacher Trying to Decipher Florida SB 736 & Insights from FEA President, Andy Ford « Continuing Change

Ramblings of One Teacher Trying to Decipher Florida SB 736 & Insights from FEA President, Andy Ford

Ramblings of One Teacher Trying to Decipher Florida SB 736 & Insights from FEA President, Andy Ford

I am a Florida public school teacher and a parent. As many others, I am following this year’s Legislation closely. Each day, I am approached by fellow teachers and parents who are also trying to understand what is going on with all the bills that are hitting our House and Senate. One bill in particular, Senate Bill 736 is a serious worry to many. So, I did what I would recommend of my students: I printed, read, highlighted, sticky-noted, and outlined the bill. I must tell you, at 47 pages long, it was no easy matter.


The bill is full of so many generalities, it is difficult to understand. So, I sought advice. I sent a few questions to