Monday, January 3, 2011

Top Teacher Beat Posts in 2010 - Teacher Beat - Education Week

Top Teacher Beat Posts in 2010 - Teacher Beat - Education Week

Top Teacher Beat Posts in 2010

Happy New Year! I'm excited to be back in town and back on the beat.

Before we return to our regularly scheduled programming, though, I shall follow in the steps of my colleagues and bring you this morning the most-read items from this blog in 2010.

1. NEA Votes 'No Confidence' in Race to the Top: In a highly symbolic move, the union voted at its annual Representative Assembly to take a "no confidence" position in the federal competition. Although most NEA affiliates are not big fans of the program, the vote was actually close: Some affiliate heads worried that making such a public fuss would jeopardize their relationship with the Obama administration.

2. Rhee to Dismiss Hundreds of Teachers for Poor Performance: The firing was heard round the country as then-Chancellor of the District of Columbia's school system Michelle Rhee pared her force of 241 teachers. The