Thursday, January 13, 2011

Public servants and private schools: private school choice for the very elite |

Public servants and private schools: private school choice for the very elite |

Public servants and private schools: private school choice for the very elite

In 2003, the Heritage Foundation conducted a congressionalsurvey on school choice. Of those who responded, 41 percent of U.S. representatives and 46 percent of U.S. senators said they send, or have sent, at least one of their children to a private school.

Contrary to what the venture capitalists and public hucksters say, when it comes to selecting a school for their children, average American parents have little if any real choice. The local public school is the only campus in town, unless you are wealthy enough to avoid them. The new labyrinths of despair being designed by Wall Street in the form of charter schools and soon vouchers, the ultimate wet dream of Wall Street, is hardly ‘choice’; it is more like forcing our children to herd into