Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Parent Revolution You Might Not Expect - Schooled: The Education Blog

The Parent Revolution You Might Not Expect - Schooled: The Education Blog
The Parent Revolution You Might Not Expect

Point Loma seems like an unlikely place for a parent revolution. Its scenic hills are dotted with elementary schools a real estate agent could crow about, funded by a muscular foundation.

Still, some parents in this seaside burg are quietly considering how to stake out more independence for their schools — or whether to secede from San Diego Unified and form charter schools. A new law could give their push new power, letting parents force dramatic change at some schools.

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New Subject for City Council: Education

San Diego City Council President Tony Young wants to tackle a big issue city leaders have long avoided: Schools.

This year, he said, the council will discuss a proposed ballot initiative that adds appointed members to the San Diego Unified school board and imposes term limits. Young laid out his ideas in a written address on city priorities sent to the media this week.

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'Jeff Smith' Misleads Again

Yesterday we fact checked a signature collector named Jeff Smith, who was quoted in the Union-Tribune telling Target shoppers that a plan to expand the San Diego Unified school board would add "more teacher voices" to the board. That statement ismisleading, since anybody could be added to the board.

Turns out that the name he gave to a U-T reporter was even more than misleading. It was false. When we tried to track down Jeff Smith for the fact check, the consultant in charge said they didn't have a Jeff Smith working for them.

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