Monday, January 24, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: Come to the rally on Jan. 27 to protest school closings and charter takeovers

NYC Public School Parents: Come to the rally on Jan. 27 to protest school closings and charter takeovers

Come to the rally on Jan. 27 to protest school closings and charter takeovers

Come join our rally at 4 PM at City Hall Plaza to protest school closings and charter takeovers! Even if your kids are not affected this year, their school could be next. Stop the privatization and the dismantling of neighborhood schools, which causes disruption, damages kids, and more overcrowding elsewhere.

From co-locations to budget cuts to Kindergarten wait list to increasing class size, the DOE is doing everything they can to undermine the success of neighborhood public schools. There are several schools on the closing list with principals that parents and teachers complained about for years, and DOE did nothing. The responsibility for their future is directly attributable to the failure of DOE leadership.

Co-sponsored by Class Size Matters, CAPE, GEM, the UFT, and many other parent, teacher and community groups. Click on the flyer above for more info.