Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jerry Brown's cameos at union fetes may be signal

Jerry Brown's cameos at union fetes may be signal

Jerry Brown's cameos at union fetes may be signal

(01-04) 04:00 PST Sacramento - --

Perhaps never in California history has the political symbolism of a hot-dog feed been so closely analyzed.

Two hours after Gov. Jerry Brown was inaugurated Monday, hot dogs became another chapter in his relationship with public employee unions whose support was instrumental to his return to the governor's office - and whose cooperation will be critical to his success dealing with California's $28 billion budget deficit.

The 18,000-member Orange County Employees Association, the county's largest union,

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/01/03/MNPG1H3IQJ.DTL#ixzz1A4cBMZzx