Friday, January 7, 2011

Damn Good Education Daily

Damn Good Education Daily
Damn Good Education Daily - Why isn’t public education fixed yet? According to the Harlem Children’s Zone founder and Waiting for Superman star Geoffrey Canada, if teachers unions didn’t exist, all would be well in our nation...

alexanderrusso - Friday, Nov. 7, 2008 | Bracing for budget cuts that rival or exceed the reductions suffered by San Diego Unified last year, Superintendent Terry Grier has quietly tapped a committee of parent activ...

emilyschoolsyou - Thad Nodine, a researcher and writer based in Santa Cruz, Calif., recently sent me a report he did for the much-admired nonprofit organization Jobs for the Future. It was about the Hidalgo school d...

alexanderrusso - Geometry teacher Jessica Lilly found the fliers on the walls when she arrived at Dunbar Senior High School early one morning last month. They included a photo of a female student, with her name, ph...

DianeRavitch - January 06, 2011 New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is less popular than he's ever been in the wake of the city's mishandling of a large snowstorm last week. Bloomberg's approval rating stands at jus...
