Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Damn Good Education Daily

Damn Good Education Daily
Damn Good Education Daily - It is impossible to open up a magazine, click on a website, or listen to talk radio without hearing about the issue of education reform. As citizens, it frightens us to hear that out the Chinese ar...

mikeklonsky - June 23, 2010 by tomwhitby When Shelly Terrell and I first discussed the idea that spawned #Edchat neither of us had any idea what it would become. It started as a place to begin, conduct and recor...

tomwhitby - A few weeks ago, I clapped for a usually mundane spectacle in the spectrum of NYC sports: New York Yankees' Hall-of-Fame-bound shortstop Derek Jeter's sincere press conference regarding his re-sign...

CohenD - Well, then maybe I will have to offer some more.Bacevich rightly ties together two speeches by Eisenhowerfrom both of which I have quoted here in in that past. The better known is his farewell ad...

teacherken - A regular week at the Weems School was a minefield of surprises for staff and students alike.For students, that was a blast: The lunch menus were constantly changing, any given day could yield an u...
