Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dad Of 12-Year-Old Boy With Service Dog Opens Up On Epilepsy | Education |

Dad Of 12-Year-Old Boy With Service Dog Opens Up On Epilepsy | Education |

Dad Of 12-Year-Old Boy With Service Dog Opens Up On Epilepsy

Earlier this month, the community and disability rights advocates everywhere did a victory dance. Andrew Stevens, the 12-year-old with epilepsy whose seizure-alert dog Alaya had been banned from his school, was finally permitted to bring her to class.

"Never stop fighting for your child and for what's right," Angelo Stevens, Andrew's father, told us at after he found out about the victory.

The school, which had demanded additional certification and argued that teachers could do the same job as the trained service dog, caved to public outcry, including an appearance by Andrew and his family on the TODAY