Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Bee Eater

The Bee Eater

For anyone who saw Waiting For 'Superman' and wants to know what life would be like for a school reformer fighting to give inner-city children their first-ever shot at a real education, this biography of Michelle Rhee is where you need to start. The movie made that fight look tough. The Bee Eater lays out just how tough that can be.

Advance Praise for The Bee Eater
...from former NYC schools chancellor Joel Klein

Rhee refused to accept a school system that excused its own failures by pretending poor, mostly minority kids couldn't be educated. Despite Rhee's successes, the defenders of the status quo fought back tenaciously. Whitmire captures this epic battle in a page-turning, must-read book about education, politics and the future of our nation.

About the Author, Richard Whitmire (Contact him)

author-photoRichard Whitmire, a veteran newspaper reporter and former editorial writer at USA Today, is the author of Why Boys Fail and now, The Bee Eater, a biography