Thursday, January 27, 2011

ASCD Inservice: Chip Heath: Mrs. Deats' Science Lesson Was Made to Stick

ASCD Inservice: Chip Heath: Mrs. Deats' Science Lesson Was Made to Stick

Chip Heath: Mrs. Deats' Science Lesson Was Made to Stick


What makes certain ideas "sticky"?

The Heath brothers, Chip a psychologist and Dan an education consultant, say an idea is likely to stay with you when it's presented as a Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional Story.

Chip will draw from Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die and Switch: How to Change When Change is Hard for his keynote at ASCD's 2011 Annual Conference.

We asked Chip Heath, What's a school lesson that's stuck with you into adulthood? Heath told us:

In Mrs. Deats' third grade class we did some science lessons about gases. That's a pretty