Thursday, December 23, 2010

Year-end Remainders: Black tries to say hello; Klein, goodbye | GothamSchools

Year-end Remainders: Black tries to say hello; Klein, goodbye | GothamSchools

Year-end Remainders: Black tries to say hello; Klein, goodbye

  • A judge will hear arguments today on whether Cathie Black can be chancellor. (NY1, AP)
  • Joel Klein’s final missive to principals urged ending the ATR pool altogether. (GothamSchools)
  • The mastermind of the CityTime project had previously been probed for fraud. (Daily News)
  • Former teacher who did sex work says “reassignment” means paid time to write her memoir. (NY Post)
  • Kaya Henderson, Rhee’s successor, isn’t sure whether she wants the job full time. (WUSA9)
  • A former Newark education aide will be D.C.’s deputy mayor for education. (D.C. Schools Insider)
  • The 50 states’ pension funds collectively share a trillion-dollar hole. (60 Minutes)
  • A settlement in Philly protects bullied English language learners in bias cases. (Inquirer)
  • Madeleine Sackler’s “Lottery” film about education may be an Oscar contender. (WSJ)
More facts, chatter:
  • Cathie Black will be gone by Easter and other 2011 education predictions. (Flypaper)
  • A theater teacher highlighted by the union newspaper loses her job. (Dewey21C)
  • Is cooperation between networks the next generation of the charter school idea? (Eduwonk)
  • Value-added-based bonuses leave out Houston’s non-core subject teachers. (District Administrator)
  • Twenty percent of incoming military cadets can’t meet basic academic standards. (Ed Week)
  • The most courageous act is to use facts, not faith, to evaluate policies. (Larry Cuban)
  • Diane Ravitch wins an academic honor named after Moynihan. (Bridging Differences)

We’re taking the rest of the year off. Happy holidays, enjoy the break, and check in for breaking news if it happens.