Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This Week In Education: Thompson: A Depression For Dropouts

This Week In Education: Thompson: A Depression For Dropouts

Thompson: A Depression For Dropouts

Great_depressionAdam Davidson explained on NPR's "All Things Considered" that the unemployment rate is 9.6%, but for people who finished college, the unemployment rate is a much less terrifying 4.7%. For high school dropouts, the unemployment rate is more than 15%. So, the difference between the challenge faced by a college graduate and a high school dropout is the difference between facing a "lousy economy" as opposed to a depression. We should keep this in mind while reading Robert Balfanz' "Building a Grad Nation." It reported that New York City increased graduation rates by 10% between 2002 and 2008. I am not

Video: Spotlight On Talent Development High

Chicago's Talent Development High got featured on the CBS Evening News Tuesday night. The school recently converted from a contract to a charter school, and I apparently wrote a blog post about it being a unionized charter and bringing in folks from Dyett and other such things (here). Cross posted from D299.

AM News: Rhee Opponent Loses Union Leadership Spot


Pa., N.J. Missing Out On Millions In Federal Money To Start Charter SchoolsPhiladelphia Inquirer: New Jersey's proposed charter schools, hailed by Gov. Christie as part of his school-choice agenda, are at record numbers. Pennsylvania, where Gov.-elect Tom Corbett has likewise expressed support for charters among school-choice options, also was one of five states turned down for the funds. Twelve states were successful... Report: Dueling Stimulus Goals Tough to Implement EdWeek: Most districts used the stimulus money to maintain spending levels. But a few tried new tactics, especially around human resource issues... Report: Education Reforms Yield Higher Test Scores California Watch: A major squabble between Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his adversaries on K-12 funding early in his administration has had a positive outcome: higher test scores in many of the state's lowest performing schools... Washington Teachers' Union president George Parker loses run-off election Washington Post: Washington Teachers' Union President George Parker, who negotiated a lucrative contract for his members earlier this year but was unable to prevent the launch of a controversial new evaluation system introduced by former chancellor Michelle A. Rhee, lost his job Tuesday...Couple Beat Crossing Guard In Front Of Children AP: With frightened children looking on, a crossing guard was beaten and robbed of her stop sign and whistle after she tried to get an SUV to stop near an elementary school, authorities said Tuesday... High School Gunman Dies of Self-Inflicted Wounds AP: The Marinette High School student, who apparently had "some problems in school" shot himself after police entered the room and died in a Green Bay hospital on Tuesday morning.