Thursday, December 23, 2010 Local News: Compromise in Congress funds Pell Grants for now (12/23/10) Local News: Compromise in Congress funds Pell Grants for now (12/23/10)

Compromise in Congress funds Pell Grants for now

Thursday, December 23, 2010
A compromise to fund the federal government's operations through the first two months of 2011 turned into a big win for the nation's college students.

But the future of the Pell Grant Program and other higher education grants remains uncertain with talk of deep federal budget cuts ahead. Missouri higher education officials are particularly worried about looming federal funding reductions to the state's needs-based scholarship program.

Averting a standoff, lawmakers reached a deal that will fund the federal government's operations through March 4. Included in the stopgap measure is maximum funding for the needs-based Pell Grant Program. Aid will remain at a top limit of $5,550 per eligible student.

The program had faced a $5.7 billion shortfall for 2011, amounting to a reduction of