Thursday, December 23, 2010

Scott transition team’s education plan worries voucher advocate | Florida Independent: News. Politics. Media

Scott transition team’s education plan worries voucher advocate | Florida Independent: News. Politics. Media
Gov.-elect Rick Scott (Pic via
Gov.-elect Rick Scott (Pic via

Scott transition team’s education plan worries voucher advocate

By Travis Pillow | 12.23.10 | 12:00 pm

The “universal voucher” proposal floated this week by Gov.-elect Rick Scott’s transition team is drawing opposition from at least one longtime supporter of school vouchers.

In documents released this week, Scott’s education advisers — led by Patricia Levesque, a veteran of the Department of Education under Jeb Bush and the current director of one of his school reform groups — outlined a hypothetical program that would allow parents of public schoolchildren to receive 85 percent of the money the state spends per student, which they could keep in “education savings accounts” to use as they see fit on online “virtual schools,” private schools, tutoring or even college expenses.

Andrew Coulson, a voucher advocate from the libertarian Cato Institute, worries that the idea couldn’t fly in Florida, and should instead be tried in states with friendlier legal climates, according to the St. Petersburg Times.