Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rick Scott's Plan for Florida: Choice, Charters, Early College and More - State EdWatch - Education Week

Rick Scott's Plan for Florida: Choice, Charters, Early College and More - State EdWatch - Education Week

Rick Scott's Plan for Florida: Choice, Charters, Early College and More

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Florida school districts would be given a lot more power to hire and fire teachers, and parents would be given access to a lot more taxpayer money to pay for private schools, if the proposals put forward by advisers to governor-in-waiting Rick Scott become reality.

The newly elected Republican's education transition team recently released itsrecommendations for school policy, which are chocked full of far-reaching proposals.

One of them is the creation of "education savings accounts," a voucher-type system that Scott had spoken about somewhat vaguely in recent weeks. His transition team filled in a few key details. Under their proposal, parents would be allowed to receive funding equal to 85 percent of the "amount the student would