Sunday, December 12, 2010

Green Dot revolution targets school that outperforms current Green Dotters - San Francisco Education |

Green Dot revolution targets school that outperforms current Green Dotters - San Francisco Education |

Green Dot revolution targets school that outperforms current Green Dotters

  • June 11th, 2009 6:07 pm PT

The in-your-face organizer of Green Dot charter schools, Steve Barr, is putting together what’s basically a fake parents’ movement down in Los Angeles – or at least it’s a top-down alleged parents’ movement, created by Barr and run by paid organizer Ben Austin. The common term for a fake grassroots organization like this is “Astroturf.”

“Barr envisioned” the Astroturf organization “as an independent, assertive alternative to the PTA,” according to the L.A. Times.

“The plan,” says the Times, “is for parents to form chapters all over town and improve schools, one by one, using the growing leverage of the charter school movement. The goal is to unite a city of overworked and isolated parents with a brash promise:

“If more than half of the parents at a school sign up, Barr's organizers say they will guarantee an excellent campus within three years. They call it the Parent Revolution.