Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Damn Good Education Daily

Damn Good Education Daily
Damn Good Education Daily - In the movie Waiting for Superman, nominated for an Oscar as the best Documentary of 2010, the following statement is made: " Illinois, 1 in 57 doctors loses his or her medical license, and 1...

leoniehaimson - Left: The street Mayor Bloomberg lives on; Right: The street I live on Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn’t get it. He’s urging patience, and seems somewhat bewildered that us yokels in the outerborough...

leoniehaimson - Someone needs to introduce reporters Jason Felch et. al at the Los Angeles Times to the hyperlink concept. They are trying to soften the paper's latest attacks on teachers by praising Park Elementa...

alexanderrusso - Like the menu at a potluck supper, Chicago Public Schools has a dizzying array of offerings, from classical, magnet, selective enrollment and gifted schools to charters and contract schools and car...

mikeklonsky - Local school officials reluctantly allowed a reality television show onto campuses with promises of remodeling, then got stuck with a substandard paint job at one school and at another an embarrass...
