Sunday, December 19, 2010

Comments: Building A Better-Balanced Blog? - District 299: Chicago Public Schools Blog

Comments: Building A Better-Balanced Blog? - District 299: Chicago Public Schools Blog

Comments: Building A Better-Balanced Blog?

A commenter named "Performance Matters" sparked an interesting comment thread going on the last couple of days about the issue of why the blog comments are generally skewed against "reform" and against the central office, whether the blog is balanced or extreme, etc. The comment, in part:

"Either you've driven the truly reform minded folks from reading blog entries by attacking all right-minded reforms coming out of CPS, ISBE, and other places just to get people riled up OR they read the blog entries and don't post because they'll get attacked by people who are only interested in protecting the status quo and their own jobs again and again and again."

This issue has come up before, and there were several comments in response, for and against the notion that