Friday, November 5, 2010

White Supremacist Funding Keeps Schools Lily-White and Immigrant-Free | Immigrant Rights |

White Supremacist Funding Keeps Schools Lily-White and Immigrant-Free | Immigrant Rights |

White Supremacist Funding Keeps Schools Lily-White and Immigrant-Free

Ever heard of the Council of Conservative Citizens? They're a White Supremacist group that believes "the American people and government should remain European in the composition and character," and that in order to ensure this, even "legal" immigration "must be severely restricted or halted." Not convinced of their "white supremacist" status yet? "We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind," says their statement of "principles."

Easy enough to dismiss these folks as a bunch of lunatics taking out their life woes on dark-skinned boogeymen of their own creation. But what if I told you that told you that this group was having a marked influence on the education of young Americans?