Wednesday, November 17, 2010

School 2 Life - Home

School 2 Life - Home
School2Life is a Chicago-based educational management program consisting of two industry experts, Heidi Albert, a financial expert and entrepreneur, and Susan Newman, a career marketing professional. Their goal is to help high school, college students, and recent graduates make a smooth, smart, and successful transition from campus life to real life with their catchy slogan "Don't Just Get a Job. Get a Life." Many students and young adults find it difficult to make their way into the real world or take the next important steps post-high school/college and with a struggling economy, it's hard to keep motivated while under pressure.

The School2Life experts strive to help young adults stay motivated by hosting a variety of career management workshops and networking forums to give students a unique experience and build their confidence. Informational workshops and events include resume-building, interview skills, overall communicating, internship, network building, and more. Life management workshops and events include how to manage in today's economy, spending and saving, financial organization, and more! School2Life has helped hundreds of students find their next job, build their confidence, and overall get a LIFE! More info here:

If you're interested in learning more, we'd love to set up an interview with the founders for you or if you'd like to check out their upcoming workshop, "Networking, 30 Second Elevator Pitch, & Basic Budgeting,"

School2LifeTM helps college students and recent graduates make a
smooth, smart, successful transition from campus life to real life.

Networking, 30 Second Elevator Pitch & Basic Budgeting Workshop

900 N Michigan Ave.
3:00 - 5:00

Email to sign up

School2Life on WGN News

Watch Heidi Albert from School2Life on the segment "Money Matters"

click here

School2Life Helps Young Adults Stay Motivated.

Read the Article from the Chicago Tribune

click here