Friday, November 5, 2010

Queens Teacher: Nightmare from Teachers College

Queens Teacher: Nightmare from Teachers College

Nightmare from Teachers College

Nightmare from Teachers College

May 3, 2007
By Carol Iannone

Columbia Teachers College continues to exert its deleterious influence on New York City’s public schools through the ever inventive techniques of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, adopted by Mayor Bloomberg and Schools Chancellor Joel Klein in 2003 in place of sound, proven, phonics-based instruction. Next year “literacy coaches” will be unleashed upon many teachers in a coercive effort to fulfill project head Lucy Calkins’s desire to “radically transform schools.” The coaches, probably young women in the main, will stand next to experienced teachers in front of their classes in order to train and instruct them in Calkins’s techniques. Resistance is anticipated, but principals must force teachers to comply.

An experienced New York City public school teacher emails with rising alarm:

The word really needs to get out; the situation is atrocious. Thanks to TC [Teachers College] and Bloomberg, we