Saturday, November 27, 2010

Queens Teacher: Another Politician Loses Due to Support of Mayor & Charters

Queens Teacher: Another Politician Loses Due to Support of Mayor & Charters

Another Politician Loses Due to Support of Mayor & Charters

Dishing with Dee: Padavan lost due to UFT backing Avella for Senate
By Dee Richard

It would seem to me that it’s a blame game tactic to divert you from the reality of a local, totally incompetent Republican management of campaigners as opposed to a totally competent Democratic Party management of campaigners. Live and learn, guys — copying a winner’s tactics is not only a good thing but a smart thing. Do not be so angry and upset that you miss the valuable lessons to be learned and do not fall victim to a bait-and-switch game. To be the declared big winners the next time out, you have to run a smarter, tougher campaign.

In spite of all the Monday morning quarterbacking, it is this columnist’s opinion that the real reason for Frank