Sunday, November 7, 2010

Parent Advocates -

Parent Advocates -
The Pension Scandal in New York State Widens With Involvement Of NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg and NYS Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver
New York State is possibly going to see a revolution soon, as the public sees how wide-spread the corruption really is. Alan Hevesi will be sentenced next month for the pension scandal, while his colleague in the theft of pension funds, Hank Morris, already has received his plea deal. Steve Rattner, former founder of Quadrangle Group LLP and very much a part of the scam, has his former supporters - Mike Bloomberg and Hilary Clinton - on the radar screen.

Mayor Bloomberg defends friend, car czar Steven Ratner, amid pension scandal probe
By Kathleen Lucadamo DAILY NEWS CITY HALL BUREAU, Thursday, April 23rd 2009, 1:33 PM

Mayor Bloomberg defended his buddy Steven RattnerThursday, saying he shouldn't give up his federal car czar post while investigators probe his firm's involvement in an exploding pension scandal.

"I can tell you going back a long ways with this guy, he is scrupulously honest and a great public servant," Bloomberg told reporters.

City ethics lawyers last year cleared the way