Monday, November 8, 2010

Detroit Federation of Teachers: Support Steve Conn for Detroit Teacher’s Union president |

Detroit Federation of Teachers: Support Steve Conn for Detroit Teacher’s Union president |

Detroit Federation of Teachers: Support Steve Conn for Detroit Teacher’s Union president

The photo is from inside one of the many destroyed public schools and is due to Rich Gibson of the Rouge Forum. The following is a brief overview by Rich. You can see more about Detroit Pubic Schools and the criminal racket that is Eli Broad and Bill Gates by going to Author Posts and finding my name and then clicking. I have written countless articles on Detroit and the criminal enterprise that encompasses its policies both educational and otherwise. Thanks, Rich!

By Rich Gibson

In early January 2009 in Detroit. The frozen feet of Johnnie Redding were found sticking up out of the ice in the basement of an abandoned building while amateur hockey skaters played around what of him protruded: black tennis shoes, white socks, and the lower edge of denims. But anyone who thought the year 2009 in Detroit