Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cathie Black DENIED As Top Pick By Schools Panel: 'Not At This Time'

Cathie Black DENIED As Top Pick By Schools Panel: 'Not At This Time'

Cathie Black DENIED As Top Pick By Schools Panel: 'Not At This Time'

First Posted: 11-23-10 05:55 PM | Updated: 11-23-10 06:23 PM

Cathie Black

Gothams Schools is reporting that Cathie Black, Mayor Bloomberg's beleaguered pick for schools chancellor, has failed to get support from a panel of experts appointed by State Education Commissioner David Steiner to help him determine Black's fate:

An eight-member panel of education experts has voted to deny publishing executive Cathleen Black a waiver to become the next schools chancellor.

State education officials said that four panel members voted against granting the waiver, two voted in favor, and two voted "not at this time." They would not say how individual panel members cast their votes.

The ruling is a stunning blow to the mayor, who has spent weeks defending his decision to appoint Black, a high powered media executive with no education experience. Given her background, Black was required to receive a waiver from the city in order to serve as chancellor, but the panel's ruling today seems to have dampened her chances. The final decision