Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Big Education Ape Daily

The Big Education Ape Daily
The Big Education Ape Daily - Wednesday churn: Succession plan needed | EdNews staffWhat’s churning: Got your succession plan in place? A report by the University of Washington’s Center on Reinventing Public E...

coopmike48 - This was written by L. Martha Infante, a National Board Certified Social Studies teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District and veteran of 15 years. It first appeared on the Accomplished Ca...

coopmike48 - If there is a phrase that you are likely to get as sick of hearing in the next few years as you did "scientifically-based evidence" during the last few, it is likely to be "clinically based teacher...

coopmike48 - SANTA CRUZ -- About 150 UC Santa Cruz students rallied today to protest a proposed 8 percent fee increase.The noon rally coincided with the beginning of a meeting in San Francisco, where the UC reg...

coopmike48 - by Frederick M. Hess • Nov 17, 2010 at 9:29 amCross-posted from Education WeekI’ve gotten a number of questions and comments regardingNCATE’s big Blue Ribbon Panel report, both after my remarks a...