Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ballot Box: Supporters Try to Re-elect D.C. Mayor - Washington Wire - WSJ

Ballot Box: Supporters Try to Re-elect D.C. Mayor - Washington Wire - WSJ

Supporters of Washington, D.C., Mayor Adrian Fenty don’t give up easily.

D.C. , right, accompanied by DC City Council chairman and Democratic Mayoral candidate Vincent Gray, center, and Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty (L), presumptive mayor Vincent Gray and Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee during the announcement of Rhee’s resignation on Oct. 13. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
No matter that the mayor lost the crucial Democratic primary in September and endorsed the victor, Vincent Gray. No matter that he declined to accept the Republican nomination, and has said he doesn’t expect to run for elected office again.
Today, Fenty fans sent recorded telephone messages telling voters that they could still elect Mr. Fenty by writing in his name on their general election ballots. Volunteers outside polling stations across the city are handing out fliers explaining the process and urging: “Democratic Supporters vote again + Independents + Republicans = 4 more years