Thursday, October 14, 2010

Will Teachers Vote in November? � InterACT

Will Teachers Vote in November? � InterACT

Will Teachers Vote in November?

It has been a long two years since President Obama was elected as our nation’s leader. Amidst hope and desperation, teachers across the country rallied behind his message of accountability for all members of our society. “Finally,” we thought, “someone who understands that it surely takes more than just a single classroom teacher to produce an effective citizen.”

Well the President’s accountability message has been strangely truncated, and while he still verbally urges all Americans to get involved in improving education, only the teachers are the ones being held accountable.

More and more, the measure of the worth of a teacher and a school is boiled down to the single, high stakes test taken once a year by students, irrespective of any budget cuts, poor leadership/management, lack of parental involvement, or student motivation factors. Anyone who tries to point out the error in judging something as