Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why Schools are the Proper Venue to Address Anti-LGBT Bullying | Gay Rights |

Why Schools are the Proper Venue to Address Anti-LGBT Bullying | Gay Rights |

Why Schools are the Proper Venue to Address Anti-LGBT Bullying

As we wrote on earlier today, a school district in California has gotten into trouble for showing an acclaimed anti-bullying film to students. Why? Because the film includes gay and lesbian kids (or those perceived to be gay or lesbian) among the groups who deserve respect from their peers in the classroom.

In spite of the importance of this message, a group of parents has objected, with one woman declaring that her parental rights had been trampled and that the district was trying to usurp her parental role by exposing her child to what she considers an unhealthy lifestyle.

The offensiveness of this mother's position is infuriating, and the fact that she considers it better for children to be driven to suicide than for their possible gender identities to even be discussed in school is a moral outrage.