Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This Week In Education: Thompson: Parents Can Refuse (Some) Standardized Testing

This Week In Education: Thompson: Parents Can Refuse (Some) Standardized Testing

Thompson: Parents Can Refuse (Some) Standardized Testing

ConscienceKudos to Teacher Magazine's Anthony Cody for introducing us to Shahila Changebringer, who protests "reform" by refusing permission for schools to impose standardized tests on her child. I personally would not deter a student from taking A.P., SAT, or graduation tests. Neither would I impose a cookie-cutter morality standard on all parents, grandparents, or teens old enough to make their own decisions. But if this bubble-in

Research: Adults Ignoring Sleep Deprivation Research

Post_full_1285352029matt-damon-2Kids just want/need to sleep in a little later in the mornings (A Day in the Life of a Sleepy Student) but the adults are having none of i