Thursday, October 21, 2010

This Week In Education: Ratings: Repeat Of LAUSD / LA Times Debacle In NYC

This Week In Education: Ratings: Repeat Of LAUSD / LA Times Debacle In NYC

Ratings: Repeat Of LAUSD / LA Times Debacle In NYC

ScreenHunter_07 Apr. 28 13.08There's blame to go around when it comes to this latest flareup over teacher ratings and public disclosure:

Why did news outlets push to obtain data that they know is misleading and problematic when released "raw" without any contextual information (ie

AM News: Schools Neglect Early Elementary Absenteeism

News2Early grades new front in abstenteeism wars EDNews CO: An average of one in 10 students younger than grade 3 nationwide is considered chronically absent, defined as missing 10 percent or more of school. That’s about 18 days in a normal 180-day year, according to the San Francisco-based Attendance Counts and the Baltimore-based Annie E. Casey Foundation and others... Virginia 4th-grade textbook criticized over claims on black Confederate soldiers Washington Post: The issues first came to light after College of William & Mary historian Carol Sheriff opened her daughter's copy of "Our Virginia" and saw the reference to black Confederate soldiers... Much hope at dedication of Barack Obama Elementary School in Upper MarlboroWashington Post: The students at Barack Obama Elementary School boasted presidential manners and flashed toothy grins, eager to show off songs they learned for the school's official dedication last week... City program is honored at White House Boston Globe: A Boston program aimed at reducing the dropout rate for city public school students who are not fluent in English was one of 15 programs nationwide to receive the 2010 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award yesterday.