Tuesday, October 12, 2010

State's charter school law in dire need of an update | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/12/2010

State's charter school law in dire need of an update | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/12/2010

State's charter school law in dire need of an update

By Gerald L. Santilli

While opinions about charter schools in Philadelphia are varied and heated, everyone should agree on one thing: The law that governs the state's charter schools needs to be changed.

Charter school operators would certainly welcome it. When the law in question, known as Act 22, was written, charter schools were little more than a concept. Today we have more than a decade of experience and data to inform a rewriting of the law.

There's no doubt that charter school regulations will eventually change. The key question is how to change them in a way that benefits the end users: the children of Philadelphia and the rest of the state.

Plowing ahead recklessly would only invite ill-considered changes that may leave us no better off - and possibly in worse shape - than we are now. We need an open, transparent process for revising the law that encourages

Read more: http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20101012_State_s_charter_school_law_in_dire_need_of_an_update.html#ixzz129EXn2lG
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