Monday, October 18, 2010

A Reformer Departs -

A Reformer Departs -

A Reformer Departs

A transcript of the weekend's program on FOX News Channel.

Paul Gigot: This week on "The Journal Editorial Report," a setback for school reform as the movement's most visible and controversial figure resigns. Washington, D.C.'s, school chancellor, Michelle Rhee, is here to tell us why she's leaving and what's next. Plus, with just over two weeks to go until Election Day, Wall Street Journal writers are hitting the campaign trail. We'll have their reports from the field. And Democrats step up their attack on corporate America, declaring war on the Chamber of Commerce and other groups that dare to oppose them. What liberals really mean when they call for more "campaign disclosure," next.


Gigot: Welcome to "The Journal Editorial Report." I'm Paul Gigot.

Well, the school reform movement suffered a setback this week when its most visible and